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Blueberry Festival Vendor Registration Form

July 24th ~ 27th

Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at the Iron River Lions Club Blueberry Festival held at Moon Lake Park in Iron River, Wisconsin. Want a taste of what our fest is about? Visit our Blueberry Festival gallery pictures on our home page. If you are interested in being a vendor, please fill-in the registration form below.

The Lions Club reserves the right to accept or deny applications. Direct questions or concerns to Anne Madison at: or 715-372-5253. Again, thank you for your interest in participating.

Required Form Fields *

Blueberry Registration

NOTE: If you do not have any/all of this information, please contact Anne Madison at 715-372-5253 or


If you do not have a Wisconsin seller permit number and claim your sales are tax exempt, enter the appropriate exemption "code number" into the EXEMPTION CODE box.

  1. Exempt sales only or display only
  2. Multi-level marketing company pays sales tax
  3. Nonprofit occasional sales exemption
  4. Exempt occasional sales

Proof of Liability Insurance is Required:

Scan and email to: Or send by mail to: Anne Madison, 8575 County Highway A, Iron River, WI 54847


  • If you DID NOT already pay your "2025 Vendor Registration Fee" - SELECT ONE of the following four vendor categories and complete the rest of the form.


  • If you PRE-PAID for 2025 - SKIP the four vendor categories and continue with the form where you write in the description of what you will be selling.


Select Only 1 of the Following 4 Vendor Categories

#1 Craft, Artist, Retail or Commercial For Profit:



#2 Non Profit, School or Church, Craft, Art, Retail:



#3 Food Vendor For Profit:





#4 Food Vendor Non Profit:



Read Carefully ~ Check Mark "Required" for ALL Categories

No payment items has been selected yet


Please call Anne Madison (Home) 715-372-5253 or (Cell) 715-456-5304. Email:

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