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Blueberry Festival Logo 61 Years in Iron River WI

At the Iron River
Blueberry Festival

Five Rules for the Blueberry Pie Eating Contest:

  1. No Hands, No Manners! – Hands must remain behind your back at all times. If you even think about using a fork, the Pie Police (a.k.a. the judges) will give you the stink-eye.

  2. Berry Facial Guaranteed – If your face isn’t 80% covered in blueberry filling by the end, you clearly weren’t trying hard enough. Bonus points for getting it in your hair, on your neighbor, or somehow in your shoes.

  3. The “Blueberry Burp Clause” – If you burp loud enough to make a squirrel jump, you get a round of applause—but if it makes a judge faint, you’re disqualified.

  4. Swallow Before You Holler – No declaring victory with a mouthful of pie. If you yell “DONE!” and launch a blueberry at someone in the process, you’ll be forced to eat one more slice as a penalty.

  5. Winner Gets Ultimate Bragging Rights – Not only will you be crowned Blueberry Beast of Iron River, but you’ll also have to defend your title next year—while wearing last year’s pie-stained shirt for good luck!

Get ready to dig in and get messy!

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