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Supermurgitroid !

Lets Go To The Hop

April 27th, 2024

Iron River Lions Club
Spring Fling
Sock Hop & Kid’s Carnival

Wipeout Childhood

What A Great Community We Have!

What A Great Community We Have!

April 27th, 2024

Iron River Lions Club
Spring Fling
Sock Hop & Kid’s Carnival

Wipeout Childhood

As the only comprehensive cancer center, in northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin, the experts at the Erick Peter Person Children’s Cancer Center understand the importance of staying close to home when undergoing cancer care. That is especially true when children and families are involved. At times like this, being close to an existing support network can be nearly as important as the medicine a child receives.

A child who is treated at Essentia Health’s Erick Peter Person Children’s Cancer Center receives the same treatment that is given at children’s hospitals across the United States, while keeping the family in their own beds at night.  A cancer diagnosis turns the lives of the entire family upside down and the effects of a successful treatment can linger long after the disease has been treated.

A huge thanks to the community of Iron River for their generous support of the event! The Iron River community enjoyed a fun filled afternoon on Saturday celebrating Springs with a sock hop and kid’s carnival at the Iron River Community Center. All proceeds went to Essentia’s “Erick Peter Persons fund” which provides funds for the families of children who are being treated by the children’s cancer center. The funds provide support for family’s meals, lodging, and deductibles.

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